Notification of cosmetic products in the countries of the European Union

Our Nutritive Cosmetics company offers a range of services for the preparation of documents, conducting laboratory tests in the laboratories of European Union countries, and notification.

Notification is necessary for the free export of cosmetics to the EU.

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Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council to regulate cosmetic products in the EU. According to EU Regulation No. 1223/2009 (Regulation EC No. 1223/2009), "cosmetic products" means any substance or mixture intended for application to various external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external gen ), on the teeth and mucous membrane of the oral cavity exclusively or mainly in order to clean them, flavor them, change their appearance, protect them, keep them in proper condition or correct body odor.

Cosmetic products entering the EU market must have the following documents:

✔ SDS/MSDS adapted to cosmetic regulations;
✔ labeling in accordance with the provisions of the European Cosmetic Regulation No. 1223/2009;
✔ Cosmetic Product Safety Report/ CPSR (Cosmetics safety assessment/ SR) - Report on the Safety of cosmetic products in accordance with the Rules for assessing the safety of cosmetic products, part A and part B of Annex I of EU Regulation No. 1223/2009;
✔ CPNP registration with the receipt of a referral number for each cosmetic product supplied to the European market;
✔ PiF (Product Information File/ Dosser) for each product supplied in the EU. This is a cosmetic product dossier, a set of all authorization documents for the sale of cosmetic products in Europe.

Each product must receive a separate package of documents!

In short, every component of the product, from the least significant ingredient in the formula to the packaging, must have documents confirming their quality and safety. Therefore, before starting the journey of conquering the EU markets, make sure that absolutely all the components of your cosmetics have documents from manufacturers. Jars poured in the garage from raw materials bought at the bird market will definitely not make it to European shelves!

Please note that the supplier company, which is not a resident of the European Union, is obliged to have its representative - Responsible Person - on the territory of the EU. Any legal entity of the European Union can be a representative. According to the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009, it is responsible for a cosmetic product of a non-European manufacturer on the EU market and must keep PiF information about the product. The name and contact details of the Responsible Person are indicated on the packaging.

What does the notification of cosmetic products in Europe include?

The notification consists in entering the products into the SPNP - a pan-European database that contains information about all cosmetic products that are available on the territory of the EU.

The notification is made on the basis of a report on the safety of cosmetic products, which includes data from studies of the products themselves directly on various indicators that carry certain risks for the consumer. Depending on the specifics of the application of cosmetic products, the required indicators may change. The procedure also includes the creation of an information file for each tool, the preparation of appropriate labeling and ensuring compliance of production with the requirements of EU legislation.

CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) is an online information system created within the framework of Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009. After notification of the product, a personal number is assigned, which is traceable in all EU countries and is unique for a specific product. This gives the right to sell goods in all EU countries without additional registration.

To register cosmetic products on the CPNP portal, you need:

✔ presence of a representative of the manufacturer on the territory of the European Union;
✔ e-mail for CPNP registration;
✔ photos of cosmetic products;
✔ the original layout of the cosmetic product label/sticker. Please note that the Label must contain complete data in accordance with EU requirements and be in English or the national language of the country of first sale;
✔ MSDS/SDS for each registered cosmetic product;
✔ information entered on the European CPNP Cosmetic Portal:
✔ composition and description of the cosmetic product (with CPSR);
✔ a photo of the cosmetic product (from the package of documents for the CPSR);
✔ graphic sticker of a cosmetic product (from the package of documents for CPSR).

As we can see, in order for a cosmetic product to pass notification, the MSDS/SDS and CPSR must be prepared in advance.

MSDS/МСДС (Material Safety Data Sheet) – safety data sheet for chemical products. It informs consumers in detail about the special conditions of product storage and its safe use. Contains information necessary to ensure the safety of life and health of people, property and the environment. Includes the composition of the ingredients in a percentage ratio (starting from the component that is contained in the product the most to the component with the lowest percentage ratio). It is a mandatory document during trade operations with cosmetic products on the territory of the European Union, during transportation of cosmetic products, customs clearance, storage or disposal. The presence of the document is necessary for the certification of cosmetic products in the EU and obtaining other permits.

Before the production of the MSDS for the cosmetic product, a preliminary check of all components for the presence of the substance in the CosIng (Cosmetics Ingredients & Substances) and ECHA database is carried out. In the presence of restrictions specified in CosIng, the substance included in the cosmetic mixture is additionally checked:
✔ in the list of substances prohibited in cosmetic products;
✔ in the list of substances with maximum permissible concentrations;
✔ for the availability of registration in the database of the dye/pigment as permitted for use in cosmetic products;
✔ for the presence of registration in the database of the preservative as permitted for use in cosmetic products;
✔ for registration in the database of the UV filter as permitted for use in cosmetic products;
✔ on the purity criteria of pigments/dyes E100, ..., E180 (directive/Commission Directive 95/45/EC) and preservatives;
✔ according to the recommendation of the German Association Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker regarding the use of an effective concentration of substances/components in cosmetic products.

All new substances for the cosmetic industry, which do not have a registration number, or the safety of which has not yet been evaluated and confirmed by the relevant structures, are required to confirm the safety and suitability of such substances. For this, the manufacturer must submit an application to the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS), provide relevant documentation to obtain an expert opinion.

Cosmetic Product Safety Report/ CPSR (Cosmetics safety assessment), Cosmetic Product Safety Report is the main part of the Product Information File (PIF). This is a scientific review of the safety of a cosmetic product. It is formed taking into account the results of laboratory tests or on the basis of a valid MSDS/ MSDS

It consists of two parts:
→ Part A – Information on the safety of cosmetic products
→ Part B – Safety assessment of cosmetic products

The CPSR must contain the following information:

✔ quantitative and qualitative composition of the cosmetic product;
✔ physical/chemical properties and stability of the cosmetic product (characteristics of substances or mixtures, properties of the finished product);
✔ microbiological quality;
✔ information about impurities and packaging material;
✔ description of use;
✔ the effect of the cosmetic product and its components/substances;
✔ toxicological profile of substances;
✔ unwanted effects when using the product;
✔ information about this product, etc.

The notification is made once without an expiration date. Safety reports are recommended to be updated every 3 years, on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation. For example, if there were additions to the labeling or packaging, the ingredient was changed, etc. By and large, this is a one-time procedure.

Labeling requirements for cosmetic products exported to the European Union

Cosmetic products may be sold on the EU market only if the cosmetic container and packaging contain the following information in an indelible, legible font that is easy to read:
✔ name and address of the Responsible Person. For imported cosmetic products, the country of origin must be indicated;
✔ nominal content at the time of packaging, expressed by weight or volume;
✔ minimum expiration date or the phrase “Best used before the end of” This requirement is not mandatory for products with a minimum shelf life of more than 30 months, for which the period after opening during which the product can be used without risk to the consumer must be indicated;
✔ special precautions for use;
✔ production batch number or reference information to identify the product. If the size of the products is too small, this information can be placed only on the secondary packaging;
✔ purpose of the product;
✔ the list of ingredients, which may be indicated on the package with the heading "Ingredients".

If the required information in points 4 and 7 cannot be placed on the package due to size or shape, it can be displayed on a leaflet, label, tape or card attached to or attached to the product.

We remind you that the information must be written in English or in the national language of the country of first sale.

Before placing imported cosmetic products on the EU market, the Responsible Person must notify the European Commission through the EU Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) of the following information:
✔ the category of cosmetic products and its name or names by which it can be accurately identified;
✔ the name and address of the Responsible Person, where you can get all the necessary information about the product;
✔ country of origin;
✔ EU member state in which the product will be placed on the market;
✔ contact details of the Responsible Person for communication in case of need;
✔ the presence of substances in the form of nanomaterials, including their identification and reasonably foreseeable conditions of exposure;
✔ name and CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) registration number or EU number for substances classified as carcinogens, mutagens or toxic for reproductive functions, category 1A or 1B;
✔ a framework formula that allows prompt and proper treatment in case of difficulties.

How to order a cosmetic products notification service in the EU at Nutritive Cosmetics?

To order a service from Nutritive, you need to contact our managers.

For more detailed information, contact us in any convenient way:

By phone / Email / Telegram

We are happy to answer all your questions, Nutritive Cosmetics