Collection: Beard wax

The beard is more and more popular and is not going to give up its position among men. Moreover, according to the latest polls, even women want to see next to them a brutal, self-confident man with well-groomed vegetation on his face. But how to achieve her perfect and well-groomed appearance, if the hair is quite stiff and sticks out in different directions, without ennobling the wearer's appearance at all? Of course, use cosmetics such as beard and mustache wax. About it and its application in the material below.


The very name of the beard and mustache wax tells about the main component. It is also ennobled with a special formula of substances whose action is aimed at facial hair care. Beard styling wax protects hair from burning even in bright sunlight. The tool envelops each hair, making it smoother, which allows them to fall into shape more easily, look neat and tidy. Today, manufacturers add various aromas to the product, most often essential oils, which, in addition to care, give the beard a light and pleasant aroma. And thanks to the active ingredients in the composition, beard and mustache wax helps their active growth, protecting them from negative environmental factors and nourishing them.


Before buying, it is important to familiarize yourself with the promises of the manufacturer and, if you are looking for a product that will help with hair loss, you should not rely solely on a styling product. Look for one that contains an active formula that targets hair growth. And for this it is important:

  • first of all, pay attention to the composition. And if you don't know which wax for a beard is better, then definitely the one in which the beeswax is in the first place in the composition, and not a mixture of silicones, for example. The more natural products you see in the composition, the more caring qualities the product has, including those aimed at active growth. However, the label should also not have a whole canvas of ingredients, some of them may cause an allergic reaction. A good tool is one in which the composition is selected succinctly and effectively
  • correctly select the degree of fixation. For example, if you have soft and thin facial hair, then the highest degree of fixation of beard wax will not bring you a good result. But if you have hard and unruly hair or you want to give your beard curved shapes, this degree is suitable
  • for those who already have burnt hair or part of it grows with red, but want a deep dark shade, there is a beard wax with coloring pigment

Using beard and mustache wax is quite simple. At the beginning, familiarize yourself with the storage rules and follow them, and also monitor the validity of the expiration date. Apply a small amount of the product along the entire length of the beard and mustache, give them the desired shape with your hands and that's it. If there is not enough volume, you can comb the hair in different directions with a special brush, and then shape it again.

In our online store, you can buy only natural beard wax that does not contain parabens and silicones, has not only styling, but also caring properties.