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Skin and hair care in summer

Dry wind, heat and dust are indispensable companions of a sunny summer. How to care for facial skin and hair to protect them from the negative effects of the environment? Nutritive specialists will share their experience in this article and recommend effective face and hair care products.
First, let's consider all three main stages of daily skin care.


The main mistake made in the summer period is the attempt to clean the skin more thoroughly, completely degreasing it. Each fat acts as a moisturizer and protection, so you should not apply foam for washing for a long time, rub your face with alcohol wipes or abuse scrubs. The drier your skin is today, the more oil it will produce tomorrow. If the usual washing does not seem enough, apply the detergent twice, quickly wash it off. Cleansing products for problem skin, presented on the website of Lapush cosmetics, are also at your disposal.

Moisturizing and toning

The best solution will be to buy natural cosmetics containing oils and herbal extracts to restore lost moisture. Moisturizing masks that you can make yourself or buy in an online cosmetics store are also good in the summer. Sprays developed by Lapush on a plant basis will help refresh and tone the skin throughout the day. Their advantage is that they are suitable for both dry facial skin and oily skin.

The question

The task of the means used at this stage is to saturate the skin with vitamins without disturbing the fat balance. In the summer, it is better to give preference to light serums with extracts of medicinal plants. And what about the hair?

Hair care

As never before, hair needs to be moisturized in the summer, because it is not only exposed to the sun and wind, but also often to salty sea water. The roots can get fat much faster than in the cold season, and then there is a need for frequent washing. In such cases, it is better to choose a natural shampoo without sls and wash your hair more often, not forgetting about moisturizing masks. In our store of natural cosmetics you will find effective products for hair of any type.
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