Що таке склад INCI? Чому інгредієнти написані англійською? - Nutritive Cosmetics

What is an INCI composition? Why are the ingredients written in English?

When we look at the label of a cosmetic product, we often see a set of incomprehensible English words. But what do they mean? It's all about the notation system called INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients). In this article, we will look at what INCI composition is and why the ingredients are written in English.

What is an INCI composition?

Composition (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) INCI is an international system of names used in the cosmetic industry to designate the ingredients contained in products. It is a standardized way of identifying and labeling ingredients that allows consumers, manufacturers and regulatory bodies to easily understand which ingredients are included in a cosmetic product.

Why are the ingredients written in English?

One of the features of the system is that the names of the ingredients are indicated in English. This is done to unify and standardize information, as English is widely used in the cosmetics industry and is an international language of communication. Its use avoids confusion and ensures that ingredients are understood worldwide.

Advantages of the INCI composition

The use of the composition brings a number of advantages for both consumers and manufacturers and regulatory bodies.
  • The system provides clarity and transparency regarding the composition of the product. Each ingredient has its own unique name and number, which allows you to accurately determine its presence.
  • Writing the ingredients in English makes them more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. Thanks to the use of an international language of communication, consumers from all over the world can easily read and understand the composition of cosmetic products.
  • The INCI system allows cosmetic product manufacturers to create universal formulas that can be used in different countries. This is especially important for international brands that want to offer their products in different regions of the world.
  • Thanks to uniform labeling of ingredients, consumers can compare products and analyze their composition. This helps them make informed decisions when choosing cosmetics, taking into account the individual preferences and needs of their skin.

How to understand the composition of INCI?

It can be difficult for non-professionals to understand because it is based on scientific and technical terms. However, there are resources and online tools that can help you understand product ingredients. You can use special websites and applications where you can enter the name of the ingredient in English and get detailed information about its properties and functions. When you choose cosmetic products, especially if you have special needs or sensitive skin, it is important to pay attention to the international labeling system. Reading the ingredients will help you avoid ingredients that may cause unwanted reactions or not be to your liking.

Therefore, the INCI composition is a notation system that makes it easier to understand the ingredients in cosmetic products. Its use in English allows for uniform and universal formulas and ensures transparency and understanding for consumers. When choosing cosmetic products, pay attention to it and read the ingredients to be an informed consumer. If you have special requirements or sensitive skin, consult a specialist or beautician for advice and help choosing products that suit your needs.

Remember that the ingredients listed in it are arranged in order of decreasing concentration in the product. That is, the first ingredients in the list are the main ones and are present in the largest amount, and the last ingredients are present in smaller amounts. This can help you make assumptions about the concentration and significance of each component in the product.


The International Language of Cosmetic Ingredients is a key tool for understanding the ingredients used in cosmetics. Even though they are written in English, there are resources and tools to help you understand them. Be careful and informed when choosing and using cosmetics to meet your needs and maintain the health of your skin.
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