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What is deep facial cleansing?

Deep cleaning? - you say. - Why is it needed?

Indeed, because there are a thousand and one types of all kinds of creams and foams, scrubs and gels, specially created for cleaning the skin of the face.

The fact is that this is often not enough. Summer dust and heat, the aggressive effects of the environment and other troubles that constantly lie in wait for us, do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.
The work of the sebaceous glands is activated, and the excess fat released clogs the pores, provoking the appearance of acne and blackheads.

According to the design of nature, the skin should clean itself, but this happens extremely rarely. Most of the time, our skin needs a lot of care to look good. Not the last role here is played by our lifestyle and diet. The closer they are to the "healthy" mark, the better all organ systems function and, accordingly, the skin of the face looks younger and more well-groomed.

Unfortunately, naturally perfect skin is extremely difficult to find these days, and any skin type needs deep cleansing from time to time.

Cleaning in the salon

Salon deep cleaning of the face is carried out in several stages.

Makeup removal using a professional cosmetic product. It normalizes the pH level, preparing the skin for the action of other preparations that will be applied in the following stages of cleaning.
Soft surface cleaning that allows you to remove the keratinized layer of cells. For this purpose, one of several technologies can be used - gommage, scrub or brushing.
This is followed by the procedure of opening the pores. Previously, steaming was used for this. Today, special lotions that help soften the skin and open pores are more popular. In addition to softening action, lotions also have an antibacterial effect.
The next stage will be the cleaning itself, which is carried out using special tools or manually.
To avoid the appearance of foci of inflammation on the skin, the last step is to apply a mask based on natural plant components to the face, and after washing it off, apply a protective cream.

Facial cleansing at home

If the skin of the face is oily, this procedure should be performed once every two to four weeks. Dry and normal skin needs cleaning less often - about every two months.
As in the salon, the process is divided into several stages.

Preparation of the skin: surface cleaning with a scrub, gommage or kijage. The latter is more suitable for oily skin with enlarged pores and is not at all suitable for sensitive skin, as it is the most aggressive of all cleaning methods.
Steaming will open the pores. When cleaning at home, you should boil water in a pot and add medicinal herbs to it - chamomile, nettle, lavender, etc. That is, any plants that are used for cosmetic infusions and masks are suitable.
Then everything is simple: we bend over the pan with hot broth and cover ourselves with a towel so that the steam falls on the face and opens the pores.

We treat our fingers with a disinfectant solution (it is better to wear surgical gloves) and with the help of a sterile napkin we carefully squeeze out all the black dots on the face. Everything should be done carefully and quickly, because after 10 or 15 minutes the skin cools down and the pores begin to narrow. Avoid pressing on the skin with your nails - it may leave scars.
We wipe the cleansed face with an alcohol tincture of a medicinal herb or an alcohol-based lotion to disinfect the skin and avoid inflammation.
We apply a soothing nourishing mask to the face. An egg white mask with lemon juice is good. You can simply put thin slices of cucumber on your face - it will help relieve irritation and tighten pores.
Avoid using soap, as well as decorative cosmetics and scrubs for the first few days after cleaning. Exposure to direct sunlight will not have the best effect on the skin.
Do not forget, first after cleaning, your skin becomes many times more sensitive and tender than usual.
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