What stimulates hair growth in men?
It is generally accepted that men are luckier than women - they do not need to apply makeup, style their hair, use dozens of jars of creams for the body, hands, face, etc. But on the other hand, women have the strongest weapon in their hands, with the help of which they can easily mask almost any flaws. And the entire cosmetic industry mainly works for the female sex. And the man has to rely only on his natural data and be satisfied with them. But what if the once thick head of hair began to thin? Or does the skin on the face not shine with gloss, but peels off? Of course, turn to care products for help! Fortunately, over the last decade, we got rid of many stereotypes about men's cosmetics, and today manufacturers produce entire lines of products for the powerful of this world. In this material, we will talk about one of the most common problems faced by men - hair loss. We will tell you what stimulates hair growth in men, and we will also recommend you TOP products.
How do hair loss remedies work and what stimulates hair growth in men?
In fact, the issue of rapid loss of hair is also acutely faced by the female half. However, complete baldness or significant thinning of the hair most often threatens men. The reason for this is that alopecia is closely related to the work of male hormones. Therefore, it is important to start therapy at the first signs, because it is impossible to return the lost bulbs, and to stop the loss at the very beginning - completely. Let's get acquainted with the most basic means that stimulate hair growth:- vasodilator cosmetics, the main function of which is local enhancement of blood circulation in hair follicles. Such means prolong the active cycle of hair growth. However, if it is already damaged or begins to thin, the effect, unfortunately, will not be there
- cosmetics that activate dormant hair follicles. It is so arranged by nature that some of them can be in this state for more than one year. Women who attend laser hair removal know this well. Even after several years of complete smoothness, some bulbs can "wake up" and the growth of new hairs is activated
- oral hormonal agents best stimulate hair growth in men, and not only that. However, they should be prescribed by a specialist after a series of tests. Use should be accompanied by control, because it has many side effects
- everyone's favorite folk remedies in the form of masks, essential oils, nicotinic acid, etc. It is hardly worth expecting a serious effect from their use, because the bioavailability of active ingredients is a big question. It is better to choose professional cosmetics in which it is significantly increased.
How to grow hair for a man?
The most important thing is to monitor his health and for this follow the following rules:- thoroughly clean the scalp with quality shampoo suitable for the skin type. No need to wash your hair with body soap, shower gel, etc.
- use scalp scrubs regularly. This will help to clean the pores, thoroughly clean the skin from dead cells that can interfere with the flow of active substances to the hair follicles
- hair nutrition and hydration. It is not surprising for most men, but even on very short hair it is better to apply a moisturizing mask once a week
- the use of growth activators