Разрушаем мифы - аюрведическая косметика работает! Убтан и его волшебные свойства

We destroy myths - Ayurvedic cosmetics work! Ubtan and its magical properties

In the world of an innumerable variety of cosmetic products, Ayurvedic cosmetics are one of the brightest representatives of traditional skin care methods. Among its many treasures, a unique remedy called "ubtan" stands out - a mixture of natural ingredients that are widely known in Indian culture. Let's consider why Ayurvedic cosmetics, and in particular ubtan, is not just an ancient custom, but also a real source of magic for the skin.

Ayurveda and its philosophy of skin care

Ayurveda, the root of which means "science of life", is an ancient system of medicine and body care that originated in ancient India. She does not simply consider a person as a physical being, but strives to create harmony between the body, mind and soul. The philosophy of skin care within the framework of Ayurveda is based on an individual approach and principles of energy balance. The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the concept of energies or doshas that control the functioning of the body. Vata, Pitta and Kapha represent different aspects of biological processes. Vata is the energy of movement and air, Pitta is fire and water, and Kapha is water and earth. The balance of these energies is considered the key to health. An important concept of Ayurveda is the understanding that every person is unique. It has its own unique combination of doshas, ​​which means that there is no universal method of treatment or skin care. A person is considered as a whole, and skin care is selected taking into account individual characteristics. The philosophy of skin care in Ayurveda involves the use of natural remedies, such as vegetable oils, herbs and extracts, to achieve balance and restore skin health. These components not only provide skin care, but also synergistically affect the energy of the skin.

Ubtan: Secrets of Eastern Beauty

Composition  ubtana usually includes various natural ingredients in powder form. Turmeric, mustard seed, clay, oatmeal, sandalwood, pea flour are just some of the key ingredients. Each of them brings its own unique properties to ubtan.

  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties - brightens the skin, reduces pigmentation and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Mustard seed: Stimulates blood circulation, provides a rejuvenating effect and gives skin elasticity.

  • Clay: Cleans pores, removes excess fat and toxins, promoting cleanliness and freshness of the skin.

  • Oatmeal: Moisturizes and softens the skin, suitable for sensitive skin.

  • Sandalwood: Has antiseptic properties, soothes the skin and gives it a pleasant aroma.

How does ubtan work for the skin:

  • Cleansing and exfoliation: acts as a gentle exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and stimulating cell renewal.

  • Improves skin tone: Active ingredients such as turmeric help even out skin tone and give it a natural glow.

  • Balancing of dosha energies: Thanks to its composition, ubtan promotes the restoration of the balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which has a positive effect on skin health.

  • Reducing inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of ubtan make it an effective tool for softening irritated skin and reducing inflammatory processes on the skin.

How to use ubtan:

  • Mix with water, milk or rose water to create a paste.

  • Apply the paste to damp skin, massage in circular motions.

  • Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • Use ubtan 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of skin.

Ayurvedic cosmetics, especially ubtan, is a unique combination of natural ingredients designed to help the skin and improve its general condition. Regular use of such products can lead to noticeable positive changes, making the skin more well-groomed, fresh and radiant. One of the advantages of ubtan is its versatility and the ability to adapt to different types of skin. You can vary the proportions of the components or add other natural ingredients depending on your specific needs and preferences. Ayurvedic cosmetics are usually made from natural and organic components, which makes them more environmentally friendly. This is important not only for your health, but also for caring for the planet.


In a world where technology and chemical ingredients of cosmetics play an important role, Ayurvedic cosmetics, in particular ubtan for the face and body, remind us of the wisdom of nature and its incredible ability to meet the needs of the skin. A kind of "magic" of Ayurvedic cosmetics stems from the harmony of nature, which it introduces into self-care procedures.

Having destroyed the myths surrounding Ayurvedic remedies, we come to understand that traditional skin care methods can be not only effective, but also unique in their philosophy. Ubtan becomes a bridge between the past and the present, combining the wealth of nature and the needs of a modern lifestyle. This ancient beauty recipe continues to inspire us to adopt a more gentle and harmonious approach to skin care, giving the magic of care and attention that each natural, Ayurvedic drop brings.

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