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How to choose the ideal shampoo for hair care? TOP tools

Choosing the right product for cleansing the scalp and caring for curls is a problem faced by many. The variety of available products can confuse even an experienced buyer. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right cosmetics for cleansing the scalp and hair care, so that your hair always looks healthy and beautiful.

What is that? shampoo for hair?

Hair shampoo is a cosmetic product designed to clean hair and scalp from dirt, excess sebum, sweat, and styling products. It is usually presented in the form of a liquid or gel and contains various washing and caring components that help to clean, moisturize and care for the hair and scalp.
The main component of the product are surface-active substances (surfactants), which provide foaming and remove dirt and grease from the hair. Other ingredients may include conditioners, moisturizers, antistatics, antioxidants, plant extracts, and special additives that can improve hair and scalp health.
There are different types of natural hair shampoos designed for different types of hair (for example, dry, oily, colored, damaged) and different problems (dandruff, hair loss, scalp sensitivity, etc.). It is important to choose a product that meets your needs in order to take care of your hair and scalp as effectively as possible.

How to choose hair shampoo?

First, determine the type of your scalp and hair. Depending on the type of curls, you will need different cosmetics. The following types of hair are usually distinguished:
  • normal;
  • dry;
  • fatty;
  • combined;
  • painted or chemically treated.
Take into account the individual characteristics of the scalp. In addition to the type of curls, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of the scalp. For example, some people suffer from excessive oiliness of the skin, dandruff or itching. In such cases, you should choose a product specially developed to solve a specific problem, etc. Also, pay attention to the composition of the product - the quality of cosmetics for cleansing the scalp largely depends on it. When choosing, pay attention to the following components:
  • natural ingredients (plant extracts, oils, proteins) are usually preferable to synthetic ones;
  • avoid products with aggressive components, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or silicones;
  • the presence of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals promotes the strengthening of curls and the health of the scalp.

Application of the tool and recommendations for selection

After you have determined the type of your hair and taken into account the individual characteristics of the scalp, you can proceed to the selection of means for cleansing the scalp and caring for curls. Here are some recommendations that will help you make the right choice:
  • Soft, moisturizing shampoos with natural extracts and oils are suitable for normal hair. Avoid products with silicones and aggressive detergents, which can disrupt the natural balance of the scalp.
  • Dry curls will need intensive moisturizing and nutrition. In this case, choose cosmetics for cleaning the scalp with oils (argan, avocado, olive), panthenol and glycerin.
  • If you have oily hair, give preference to products that regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. The composition of such a natural shampoo should contain components that have a matting and antiseptic effect, for example, extracts of rosemary, tea tree or mint.
  • For the combined type (when the roots get greasy quickly and the ends are dry), the ideal solution will be balanced products that simultaneously regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and moisturize the ends of the hair.
  • Colored or chemically treated hair requires special care. Choose products without sulfates and silicones that gently cleanse and care, preventing color washout and preserving its intensity.

TOP means for cleaning the scalp and hair from Lapush

  • Sulfate-free shampoo for normal hair
  • Solid shampoo Green Tea Lapush
  • Sulfate-free shampoo with phytokeratin and vitamin B5 Manelle
Each of these products is created from natural ingredients and has exceptionally mild washing abilities, caring not only for hair, but also for the scalp.

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