Как наносить крем вокруг глаз? Схема нанесения - Nutritive Cosmetics

How to apply cream around the eyes? Application scheme

You must have heard the famous phrase - "the eyes are the mirror of the soul." And this is the true truth! You can tell if a person is happy or sad by their looks, and a woman can also tell how carefully she takes care of the delicate skin around her eyes. It is difficult to find a girl who has never had in her arsenal the means intended for this. In some cases, they were firmly fixed in the care, while others either did not appreciate the effect, or believe that an ordinary face cream is also suitable for these purposes. Today we will talk not only about the importance of caring for delicate skin, but also discuss such questions:
  • how to apply cream around the eyes?
  • is it necessary to apply cream on the upper eyelid?
  • When is it better to apply eye cream in the morning or in the evening?
To begin with, we will tell you why you cannot use an ordinary cream around the eyes. Firstly, there are no sebaceous glands in this area and the dermis is more prone to dehydration. Secondly, it is thinner and the consequences of all your facial expressions are easily imprinted on it. An ordinary face cream is not intended for the thin layer of the dermis, it will be absorbed too long and most likely will remain on the surface in the form of a film. This can cause not only swelling, but also an allergic reaction. Plus, facial skin care products may contain ingredients such as acids, oils, etc., which can damage the area around the eyes.

How to apply cream around the eyes?

The scheme is classic and we recommend that you strictly follow it:
  • be sure to remove the rest of the cosmetics and wash with a mild cleanser
  • leave the skin slightly damp and in no case rub with a towel
  • rub a pea-sized amount of cream between your fingers
  • with the ring or middle finger, apply the product from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one with slightly patting movements
Try not to collect too much money. In this case, more does not mean better. Too much cream applied in the evening can provoke swelling in the morning.

Is it necessary to apply cream on the upper eyelid?

Many women are fanatically afraid of wrinkles. And many people are afraid of a drooping eyelid, which, as it were, must appear with age. And, of course, the eye cream becomes the very weapon that begins to be methodically applied in the morning and evening. So, is it necessary to apply cream on the upper eyelid? Yes, but not on his moving part. Do not touch the lash line under any circumstances. First, it will not bring you any benefit and will not prolong your youth. And, secondly, it will most likely cause swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

When is the best time to apply eye cream - in the morning or in the evening?

Women's beauty is not always a gift of nature, it is often the result of regular and methodical self-care. Regularity in the pursuit of beauty is one of the main factors. Using any means from case to case will not bring a visible and stable effect. And eye cream and serum are no exception. Apply the product both in the morning and necessarily in the evening. If you are at home all day and have the opportunity to refresh your skin with a light gel during the day - great. The better your skin is moisturized, the more likely it will respond to you with a fresh look and the absence of wrinkles.
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