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Instructions - do-it-yourself soy candle! Is the game worth the candles?

For hundreds of years, candles have been a permanent attribute of human dwellings. Previously, they were used as the main source of lighting. Fortunately, today most of humanity uses electricity for this. But candles have become an object of coziness, romance and a great way to aromatize a room. The production of soy candles, like any other, is not limited to industrial frameworks, and today you can find many handmade products on the market. In principle, anyone who is interested in this topic or has a penchant for DIY can try their hand at this process. In this material, we will introduce you a little to the topic of making soy candles and tell you why we consider this type of wax to be the best.

Why do we choose soy wax?

Today, it is worth considering soy wax not only as an unusual alternative to beeswax, but even more so not as an alternative to paraffin. This is a separate product that significantly surpasses its "competitors" in terms of its qualities and properties. This is a completely natural and safe component that is 100% of plant origin. The nature of its manufacture is completely renewable, and accordingly, no harm is done to the ecology and the population of plants and animals. Soy wax in the process of operation behaves much better, so to speak. It has a longer burning time than bee, for example. Does not release substances harmful to health, such as paraffin. It also has a high ability to retain aromas. Such candles for aromatherapy are the best solution. This is exactly the case when the room literally dissolves in a pleasant composition of aromas.

How are soy candles made?

We know all about it! It's been ours for several years candles present on the Ukrainian market and delight their owners. We have created a unique collection of fragrances that are suitable for all occasions - from a working atmosphere to creating a romantic or passionate evening. And we confidently declare that making soy candles is not a simple process at all. This is real magic and science in one person. It will be quite difficult to recreate a work of art at home, but to play with materials and make a trial copy with your own hands is quite easy.
A recipe for making a candle at home
This, of course, is not confectionery art, but you will definitely need patience and knowledge of the technological process. But, as in cooking, here the result also depends not only on the process, but also on the ingredients. The better quality they are, the better the result you will get. Here is the simplest homemade recipe, you can involve children in its creation:
  • measure 100 g of high-quality soy wax and carefully melt it in a water bath
  • you will need a container for a candle (made of natural materials, of course, for example, made of glass). A wax wick must be attached to the bottom of the container. If you don't have an ego, you can also try to make one yourself. For this, you will need a cotton thread, which is completely dipped in wax and then allowed to completely harden
  • the wick must be fixed so that inside the container it is located absolutely vertically in a stretched state
  • when the wax has cooled a little, but is still warm enough, we add aromas to it. This is where the real magic begins, which is rather difficult to master at home. You can use essential oils. But remember that what we see on the shelves of cosmetic stores and pharmacies are not natural products and do not differ in quality. When making soy candles, we use high-quality and natural products, real ethers are tens, and sometimes hundreds of times more expensive than what we are used to seeing for mass consumption
  • pour our mixture into a container, wait for it to solidify and enjoy
In general, this is a very interesting process for which, however, you will have to first find and purchase high-quality components. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our soy candles, choose the aroma that suits your mood and enjoy the ready-made product, which was created especially for you!
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