Ideal cleansing of the skin and what role do the best washing gels play?
If you ask any person how his day begins, then, of course, each person will answer that with washing. This everyday hygienic procedure will not only allow you to finally wake up, but it can also become a wonderful cosmetic ritual. After all, where does quality care begin? Of course, with no less high-quality cleansing. The cosmetics industry does not stand still and today you can find dozens of different products on store shelves. Someone prefers foams, some use only micellar water, and someone is faithful to the classic gel. We will talk about the latter today. Quality gels for washing - what are they, what properties should they have, what should you pay attention to in order to understand that it is time to change the product, how to use it correctly to get the best effect and, of course, how to choose correctly.
If you absolutely do not know what to choose, we are always happy to help - our employees will provide you with competent advice and will be able to choose the best care for you.
What is washing gel?
The best gels for washing are those that have not only cleansing, but also care qualities. According to its structure, as the name implies, the product has a gel structure. It contains chemical or natural detergent components that are aimed at cleansing the skin of accumulated dirt, traces of cosmetic products, as well as products of the skin's own activity - keratinized cells, sebum, etc. Gels for washing contain additional components in their composition that solve a number of popular problems - narrowing of pores, moisturizing, exfoliation, removal of redness, etc. And, like any cosmetic product, it is advisable to choose gels according to the type to which your skin belongs - dry, oily, normal or combined.What are the advantages of washing gels?
The best washing gels have a number of undeniable advantages. Thanks to modern developments and perfect prescription formulas, the product can be selected not only according to the main criterion - skin type, but also taking into account a number of characteristic and individual features - from the presence of acne and imperfections to excessive dryness and peeling. So, the main advantages:- a great opportunity to choose - today, every woman with absolutely any skin features will be able to easily choose her own remedy
- economy High-quality gels for washing have the right consistency and are equipped with a high-quality dispenser that dispenses the necessary portion of the product. Unfortunately, some manufacturers make products that are not of high quality - liquid, with poor washing abilities, etc. Therefore, we recommend that you choose carefully
- high cleaning qualities. Gels perfectly cope not only with such pollution as sebum, but also easily clean the skin from the remains of decorative cosmetics, street dust, and traces of environmental pollution
- the ability to deal with various problems even at the washing stage. For example, gels for washing against acne qualitatively and deeply cleanse the skin, and the additional components in the composition allow it not to dry out and at the same time have an antibacterial effect
- light peeling. Yes, a small amount of acid can be added to some products. Of course, you will not get the effect of salon peeling, but you are guaranteed to improve the color of your face and slightly even out your skin tone with regular use.
How to choose your tool?
The best gels for washing are the ones that suit you. How to choose the right tool and not be disappointed with its use. First, determine your skin type, and also soberly assess its condition. For example, a normal skin type does not guarantee the absence of pigmentation or traces of acne. In this case, it is worth choosing a product with acids in the composition, etc. If you are a classic owner of oily skin without obvious problems in the form of acne, then a product simply selected according to your type will suit you.If you absolutely do not know what to choose, we are always happy to help - our employees will provide you with competent advice and will be able to choose the best care for you.