The main battle of every woman is how to fight cellulite and win?
The dream of every woman is a perfect body. And, of course, the beauty requirements of all of us can be radically different, but they are united by one desire - to have smooth skin without cellulite or with its minimal manifestations. The last point is exactly the norm for the female body. Due to a certain structure of fat cells and the predominance of estrogens, at one or another period of life, every woman has observed the hated "orange peel" on her skin. And, if the visual appearance is already far from the norm, then it's time to get down to business. And for starters, learn how to fight cellulite. The topic is incredibly popular and the Internet offers hundreds of tips, more than half of which, unfortunately, are myths, and their implementation is a waste of time. Today we will talk briefly and to the point - we will talk only about working methods to fight cellulite. Let's show what works and what doesn't. So, let's begin. First a bit of theory.
What is cellulite?
In essence, this is inflammation of fat cells. For certain reasons, their number can increase rapidly, blood circulation is disturbed in them and, as a result, fluid is retained. The space between fat cells can be filled with special protein fibers. Inflamed fat cells swell, increase in size and press on the connective tissue. The body begins to adapt to this and produce collagen that penetrates the cells to reduce the pressure on the tissues. As a result, we get skin with bumps and irregularities. This problem is not only cosmetic - at some stages, the appearance of cellulite already indicates a medical problem. Today we will talk about exactly that manifestation of cellulite, which is considered a cosmetic defect and does not require medical intervention in the body. And also about how to fight cellulite stages 1-3.Stages of cellulite
Before fighting cellulite, it is necessary to determine its stage. From this you should determine your next actions.- 1 stage. There are still no visible manifestations on it, the skin may seem slightly swollen and the woman may even notice that she has gained weight. In fact, the visual increase in weight looks like this due to the fact that water has begun to be retained in the tissues. At this stage, there is no reason to panic and it is enough to make adjustments to your lifestyle - eat right, drink more, avoid salted foods and a lot of sweets, move more, etc.
- The most common stage is the second. Unfortunately, getting rid of her will be a bit more difficult, but still pretty easy. The main thing is discipline and regularity. The main manifestations are visual: try to squeeze the fold of skin on the hips with your hand, if after that you see bumps, and when you return to the original position - smooth skin again, then this is the second stage
- How to fight cellulite of the third stage? This stage is characterized by the fact that the tubercles are visible not only when squeezing, but also in the resting stage. They are not yet very deep, but they already do not look aesthetically pleasing, and they have to be hidden. The struggle will be more difficult, because in such a situation, the woman already has a violation of the outflow of lymph and blood circulation. In addition to changing the lifestyle and diet, it is also important to connect professional massage, cosmetic procedures, taking vitamin complexes, which have a positive effect on the state of the lymphatic and circulatory systems.
- The fourth stage, unfortunately, is the most difficult. In this situation, in the first place should be concern not about the visual effect, but about the health of the woman as a whole. In addition to visual imperfections, which are visible even in a completely relaxed state, there is also soreness to the touch. How to fight cellulite at this stage and is it possible? It is definitely possible, but it is necessary to connect the help of specialists, undergo a medical examination, check the hormonal system and most likely - completely change your lifestyle
How to fight cellulite?
Each stage has its own methods, but they are united by the understanding of one basic rule - cellulite is, first of all, an internal problem, and not an external one, and it is worth acting accordingly. Many women who want to learn how to fight cellulite rely only on external procedures and achieve only minor and temporary improvements. A complex of external and internal measures really gives a visible and sustainable result. Here are the main and effective methods:- healthy lifestyle. The skin is an excellent indicator of how healthy your lifestyle is - whether you sleep enough and whether you have quality sleep, whether you have bad habits and chronic stress, how you eat, exercise, etc. How to fight cellulite lying on the couch and drinking pizza and coke every night? Probably not. It is necessary to start with the basics - lifestyle changes.
- proper nutrition Do not think that smooth and beautiful skin is an eternal diet. The path of prohibitions - in advance will lead you to loss. Make your main diet healthy, make sure it has enough healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins, greens and dietary fiber from vegetables and fruits. Eat within your individual calorie limit - no more, no less. Pamper yourself with junk food, but let its percentage of the daily diet be no more than 20%. Just one point will give you visible changes in the coming months
- drink more fluids. It is not surprising, but very often edema is not caused by an excess of fluid, but by its deficiency. By liquid we mean only pure water. Tea, coffee, juices, etc. is not a substitute for it
- add physical activity. How to fight cellulite successfully and easily? Add sport! The simplest rule. Don't make excuses for not having time for the gym or group classes. Walking on the way from work, 15 minutes of stretching every day, etc. are available to all of us. It is not necessary to be a professional athlete to boast of the absence of cellulite
- local action on the fabric. Probably, the most favorite topic of all women who are waiting for a magical effect from cosmetic products and procedures. Do they work? Definitely yes. But, if you want to get a long and high-quality result, then only in combination with the rules described above. Local influence includes not only massages and hardware procedures, but also cosmetic products. For example, anti-cellulite body wrap cream Lapush helps smoothing the skin, has a local effect and improves blood circulation in the tissues. If, in parallel with its use, you follow the right lifestyle, the result will not be long in coming!