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Stages of facial care: step by step to skin health and beauty

Great skin isn't just a result of your genetic code, it's actually a consequence of your daily habits and facial routines, which greatly affect what you see in the mirror and how you look. However, depending on which product reviews you read or which doctors you consult, there are a surprising number of opinions on everything from how to moisturize your skin to UV protection. Ultimately, skin care is a personal matter. Here's what you should keep in mind to deal with all this information noise.

The purpose of skin care is not only to even out the tone of the face, but also to solve specific skin problems. Christina, a skin care specialist, emphasizes that skin care is not only a path to perfection, but also an opportunity to notice positive changes within yourself. Make these three steps your daily rituals for better skin, increased confidence, and increased self-love.

Skin Care Tips – Here are three essential steps to help you achieve the look you're after:

  1. Cleaning.

    • An integral stage in skin care is effective facial cleansing. Removing make-up residues and impurities helps the skin to breathe and prepares it for the next stages.

  2. Toning.

    • Balancing the skin and preparing it for further procedures is important. Using a toner that restores the skin's pH, adds additional hydration and results in cleanliness and freshness.

  3. Hydration

    • Complete your ritual by providing the skin with the necessary moisture and maintaining its softness. It is important to consider the needs of the skin and choose products that are suitable for you.

Facial care is a process that requires time and patience. Scientific advances in dermatology are doing their job, but there is no instant solution to achieving perfect skin. Visible results become evident only with systematic and thorough skin care, including the use of professional facial products.

Usually, to achieve noticeable improvement, it is recommended to use an anti-aging face cream or serum for at least six weeks, applying them once or twice a day. By realizing that beauty requires time and systematicity, you will be able to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin for a long time.

Stage 1. Skin cleansing

Facial cleansing is the main and important stage in the schedule of any skin care procedure, according to a dermatologist. It is recommended to wash your face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - to prevent clogged pores, dullness and acne.

It is important to find a suitable cleanser, because the right formula allows you to clean the skin without removing useful oils. When choosing a product, you should avoid exfoliating scrubs (use no more than once a week) and avoid scrubs with crushed walnut shells and abrasive ingredients.

What exactly does non-comedogenic cosmetics mean?

This term often appears on the labels of cosmetic products and is used by skin care experts, but it is not always defined in simple and understandable language. Here's a quick explanation: If a product claims to be non-comedogenic, that means it shouldn't clog pores or cause breakouts. However, this claim is not regulated by Ukrainian health authorities, and many companies conduct their own internal tests to determine whether a product should be considered comedogenic or not. (Known comedogenic ingredients include coconut oil and cocoa butter.) Generally, the fewer ingredients a product contains, the easier it is to determine if it will cause a reaction.

Stage 2. Toning

What is a face toner?

In the past, tonic was associated with aggressive products of the 80s, mainly alcohol-based, designed to dry oily skin and remove residual dirt. However, modern formulas have undergone changes.

Now they can be seen as healthy supplements that provide an extra dose of nutrients. They help other ingredients to be better absorbed by the body, while maintaining a balanced complexion. Cosmetologist Inna Chervonenko notes that many experts consider tonic to be optional, but very useful for use.

A toner can be a great way to add beneficial ingredients that may be missing from other skin care products, or to create an additional protective layer.

How to use tonic

Tonic should be applied after cleansing the skin and before applying any other products. The traditional method of application is to soak a cotton pad and walk it over the face.

Our Tonic 2% VNA J-Beauty and eyeliner from Lapush - the perfect combination for toning and creating a beautiful face makeup.

Skin care using serums

Face serums have become the real key to successful skin care, offering concentrated doses of active ingredients for different needs. They have a powerful ability to solve a number of problems, from pigmentation to signs of aging. As a professional tool in the skin care arsenal, serums open new horizons for achieving the ideal condition of the epidermis.

The ratio of healthy and glowing skin begins with the correct use of serums. Key ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, retinol, and others become allies in the fight against various problems. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and strengthens the skin's barrier function, preventing moisture loss and increasing elasticity.

Vitamin C, in turn, becomes a reliable means for brightening dull skin and reducing dark spots. Regular use of retinol, vitamin B3 and peptides supports the production of collagen and elastin, helping to prevent wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

In addition, serums with colloidal sulfur and niacinamide can soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, and improve the condition of acne-prone skin through its antimicrobial action. All these properties make serums not only an effective tool for solving specific problems, but also an integral part of the daily skin care ritual aimed at achieving health and a younger appearance.

Stage 3. Moisturizing

The main purpose of a moisturizer is to provide the skin with the necessary level of hydration and to ensure its softening. These products help prevent moisture loss through the skin's outer layer, particularly by supplementing natural protective oils and other structural elements such as ceramides.

As skin ages, it naturally loses its ability to retain moisture, and daily skin care routines, such as washing, can strip the skin of its natural moisturizers. Thus, the use of face cream becomes an important step in restoring and maintaining the optimal level of skin moisture.

When choosing the best moisturizer for your skin, it is important to consider your skin type. Considering this aspect, the experts of our store provide useful advice for choosing a product that meets the individual needs of your skin.

It is also very important not to forget about sun protection

Providing effective UV protection is also an extremely important part of regular skin care. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause significant damage to the skin, contributing to premature aging, pigmentation and even increasing the risk of skin cancer.

Sun protection can be ensured by using a sunscreen that contains a sufficient level of SPF (sun protection factor). It is important to choose a cream with a broad spectrum of action that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Regularly applying sunscreen before going out in the sun and periodically renewing it if necessary helps to avoid the negative effects of the sun on the skin.

Taking steps to protect yourself from the sun helps keep your skin young and healthy by preventing possible damage and exposure to dangerous UV rays. By providing adequate protection, you create the conditions for a long-lasting and healthy appearance of your skin.


If you have any questions about the skincare steps or need more information, don't hesitate to ask. We are ready to help you and answer all your questions on this topic or any other related to beauty and self-care.

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