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Enzyme peeling - gentle cleansing of the skin at home

The exfoliation procedure is very popular and can be performed by various methods - at home or in a cosmetologist's office. But even if you visit a cosmetologist and regularly do professional, deep peeling, its effect will have to be maintained at home. Enzyme peeling is perfect for this and will help maintain the effect for a long time. The classification of any peeling depends on the active substance - plant origin, chemical, bacterial or animal. Some of them are not recommended to be done on your own, because instead of the desired effect, there is a high chance of getting a skin burn. Natural enzyme peeling is a product made exclusively from plant components, namely plant extracts. The composition may include not only enzymes, but also acids, vitamins, and other auxiliary substances. Thanks to this, such a product is tolerated by the skin much easier, but its effect is not as pronounced as, for example, from coral or chemical peeling.

What active components can enzyme peeling contain?

Enzymes are protein compounds, but in addition to them, manufacturers add other active ingredients to the product:
  • papin - it is contained exclusively in unripe melon fruits and gently exfoliates dead dermis cells, as well as perfectly evens the tone. For home use, this is more than enough
  • arbutin is produced from the leaves of blueberries, blueberries and plantains. It is able to inhibit the synthesis of melanin, thanks to which it has a pronounced, lightening effect on pigment spots and freckles
  • sorbin gently stimulates cellular metabolism and evens skin tone. It is obtained from melon and lemon tree enzymes
  • bromelain is synthesized from pineapple fruits. Its main ability is to relieve local inflammation, thereby reducing the appearance of acne
  • ficin stimulates the synthesis of collagen, thanks to which it is an excellent helper in the fight against wrinkles
It is known that plant enzymes act much more gently than the same animal, bacterial, and even more so chemical ones. Thanks to this, they are absolutely safe for home care.

What is the principle of enzyme peeling for the face?

The main essence of enzymes is their ability to split the bond between dead cells. As a result, the keratinized layer is gently exfoliated and the skin is renewed. Another bonus - sebaceous plugs become much softer, which facilitates cleaning, if it happens after the procedure. After exfoliation, the skin has a fresher, cleaner and tighter appearance. Pores become cleaner and narrower, and the complexion becomes more even with each procedure. You should not expect instant results from enzyme peeling at home.

What are the indications for conducting

In fact, every woman can use the procedure on a regular basis. And especially if you have one or more of the following problems:
  • uneven skin tone
  • decrease in its elasticity
  • pigment spots
  • enlarged pores
  • black spots
  • acne
  • scars after acne
  • shelling

How to apply enzyme peeling ?

Depending on the active substances in the composition, the manufacturer must indicate the desired and maximum time for the procedure. However, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin. If you have dry or sensitive skin, it is better to start with the minimum time. It is also better to start with a couple of minutes of exposure if this is your first peeling and the skin is not used to such procedures. With each subsequent one, you can gradually increase the exposure time.
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