What are vegan cosmetics and how to recognize them?

Что такое веганская косметика и как ее распознать?
The beauty market is full of a variety of cosmetic products. Manufacturers try to satisfy the requirements of all categories of buyers and create entire lines that meet their requests. You have definitely come across products labeled BIO, natural, ECO, ethical, organic, etc. There is also another popular category today - vegan. Today we will talk about what vegan cosmetics are, what they are and how good their use is among all the variety of products.

What is vegan cosmetics?

These are products that, in addition to not being tested on animals, also do not contain any components of animal origin. They should not be considered in terms of quality or efficiency, the main difference is in ethics. Do not believe if the consultant in the store tries to prove to you that such cosmetics are more effective, because its main essence is not in this. And among the products presented on the market, you can find both excellent and mediocre ones. Ingredients of animal origin can be successfully replaced by vegetable or laboratory ones - and without compromising quality. But if you are very concerned about the ethical part of the question, then such cosmetics will allow you to use them without a trace of conscience.

What is the reason for popularity?

The most important reason is the awareness of buyers and their desire to care not only about their health, but also about nature and the environment. It is also possible to include the growing humanity towards all living things - in particular, to animals, testing cosmetics on which is not a manifestation of care and can harm them. Food veganism is becoming more and more popular, and millions of people in the world adhere not only to a certain diet, but also to a corresponding lifestyle in general. And if you are looking for an answer to the question, what are vegan cosmetics and is it possible to use them, if you have given up all products of animal origin, then the answer is yes, it is possible. The most important thing is to distinguish it on the market among other means. Very often, such cheap products are confused with ethical ones. Manufacturers claim with advertising slogans that ethical cosmetics are not tested on animals. And this is really true. But, as usual, part of the story is kept silent, namely the presence of ingredients of animal origin in the composition.

Vegan cosmetics - assortment

In fact, it is no different from ordinary cosmetics, which is presented in the market in the majority. All the main components can be effectively replaced with vegetable ones. For example, lecithin is obtained from the nervous tissue of eggs or animals. A very effective ingredient, the analogue of which is found in sunflower seeds and soybeans. Or we have all heard about lanolin, which is actually a substance obtained from the secretion of the sebaceous glands of sheep. But only vegetable fats are in no way inferior to lanolin in terms of effectiveness. That is, continuing the topic of the question, what is vegan cosmetics, we want to remind you that these are products that use only plant components. Among them, manufacturers offer:
  • shampoos, air conditioners and hair masks
  • cream for the face, hands and body
  • liquid and solid soap, shower and intimate hygiene gels
  • toothpastes, rinses
  • and others
If your ethical considerations do not allow you to use ordinary cosmetics, then vegan cosmetics will completely satisfy all basic requirements. Naturally, it is about verified manufacturers. The disadvantages include the often higher cost, which is due to production costs and more expensive analog components.
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