Аллергический тест - инструкция - Nutritive Cosmetics

Allergic test - instructions

Allergy test

Do you know the first rule of competent introduction to the use of new cosmetic products? Ono says: we test everything without exception! At the same time, the method of verification depends on the type of cosmetic product. Today we will tell you how to properly test a new product in the field of cosmetics.
Why test? The very term "allergy" implies an unusual reaction or increased sensitivity to something. Thus, it is difficult to predict the body's reaction to unusual ingredients and even harmless substances in cosmetics that can cause allergies.
It's an allergy!
An allergic reaction to the components of cosmetics may be mild (slight itching, redness), and may cause serious health problems:
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of wet or peeling spots;
  • swelling
At the same time, the reaction may not be present on one area of ​​the skin, but it will appear when the product is applied, for example, on the face.
That's why cosmetologists recommend repeating the test in a more sensitive area in the absence of allergy symptoms. In particular, if we are talking about facial care, then a little of the product should be re-applied to the point behind the ear. If the reaction is still not observed, you can safely use the new product without fear of health problems.
We test creams, lotions and other products that do not need to be washed off
This list also includes cosmetic oils, protective agents (winter protection, ultraviolet, etc.), serums, antioxidants, vitamin preparations for external use, peptides.
The test is performed as follows: a small amount is applied to the inner part of the forearm. The delicate skin in this area is similar in structure to the skin of the eyelids, and the reaction will be most pronounced in it.
The result of the test can be estimated a day after application. The tool should not be used if it causes even the slightest discomfort.
Products that require removal after use
This category includes masks, foams and gels for washing, as well as other products, including decorative cosmetics. To check, a small amount of the product should be applied to the clean, dry skin of the forearm and washed off after the appropriate amount of time in accordance with the instructions.
Means for peeling
Here you should be especially careful, since these means are literally rubbed into the skin. Friction increases the risk of allergic reactions and requires special attention to the smallest manifestations. Peelings for the face are subject to a particularly careful check.
Testing is carried out on the upper part of the forearm and the product is left for the period indicated in the instructions for use.
If there is no reaction, the peeling for the face is re-tested on the area behind the ear.
When testing a new cosmetic product, it should be remembered that this testing is only a preliminary check, which is not a medical examination and does not guarantee the absence of reactions in the future with regular use.
To reduce the risk of complications to a minimum, testing should be carried out several times on different parts of the body and give preference to proven brands that use natural components in the production of cosmetics.
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