5 бьюти-привычек, которые стоит добавить в свою жизнь

5 beauty habits that should be added to your life

In this endless world of bustle and stress, maintaining balance and harmony with oneself can seem like an incredibly difficult task. However, there are certain beauty habits that can help you feel stronger, more beautiful, and more confident. Let's look at five beauty habits that should be added to your life.

Evening cleansing

At the end of a long and busy day, the moment of coming home becomes a true healing ritual. This is the time when you can leave all your worries and problems behind and immerse yourself in the world of self-care - at least for 10 minutes, if you don't have the opportunity to spend time in the bathroom. An important part of this habit is the evening cleansing of the face and body, which not only helps to prepare for a night's rest, but also strengthens the connection with oneself. Water, soft gels, foam and milk for removing makeup erase the traces of the day from the face, bringing relief and freshness. At the same time, facial massage during cleansing helps to relax muscles and improve blood circulation, giving the skin a pleasant blush. Evening cleansing of the body is a way not only to get rid of everyday impurities, but also to plunge into a state of relaxation. A shower or bath with aromatic oils helps relax tense muscles. Gentle movement of a washcloth or sponge on the skin is not only a way to renew cells, but also a very short, but still daily self-massage.

Face and body massage

Facial massage using gouache or a jade roller is another effective beauty procedure that we recommend turning into a habit. Gouache is a flat plastic or stone plate that is used for massage. Its gentle gliding over the skin becomes a source of deep relaxation and improved blood circulation.

With its help, you can improve skin tone, reduce puffiness and the appearance of wrinkles. A jade roller is a stone that has been used for hundreds of years in China and East Asia as a massage tool, as well as a symbol of health and happiness. For ancient masters, this stone was associated with the life-giving power of earth and water, and was used to restore balance and harmony in the body and soul. Regular use helps to reduce puffiness, improve skin tone and reduce wrinkles. The stone also promotes better absorption of care products, making the skin more radiant and elastic.

Don't forget about your body as well. There are many portable brushes, massagers for the home. Use them at least 2 times a week and you will never know about cellulite and loss of skin elasticity. Of course, do not forget about auxiliary elements, such as energy massage oil for the body body remodeling Lapush . Thanks to the systematic use of this oil, the appearance of the skin, blood circulation, lymph outflow from the affected areas are improved, metabolic processes throughout the body are activated.

Healthy nutrition for the skin

The first step on the way to beauty is moisturizing from the inside. A lack of moisture can lead to dryness and peeling, the appearance of wrinkles and other problems. To avoid this, make sure you drink enough water. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water helps to get rid of toxins and maintains the natural balance of moisture in the cells. Fats are an important component of healthy skin. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, nuts and flax seeds help strengthen the barrier, preventing dehydration and inflammation. Olive oil is also rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that help preserve youth and elasticity. Fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, berries, spinach and broccoli, are rich in antioxidants. Vitamin A, which can be found in foods such as carrots, is an important ingredient in the production of collagen, helping to maintain elasticity. Protein is a building material for cells. It helps restore damaged tissues and promotes its regeneration. Collagen, the protein that makes skin elastic, can be obtained from foods such as bone broth and fish.

Sun protection

Singing wind and warm rays of the sun - the feeling of summer always inspires. But when it comes to face and body care, the sun's rays can be ambiguous. They can give your skin a golden hue, but they can also cause serious harm to it. Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays that can penetrate deep into the skin. Exposure to UV rays can lead to several serious problems:
  • Sunburns: Even a single overheating of the skin can cause painful burns, damaging the upper layer of the dermis.
  • Suppression of the immune system: UV radiation can suppress the immune system, making it more vulnerable to infections and cancer cells.
  • The appearance of wrinkles: Sun rays can destroy collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
  • Skin cancer: Long-term exposure to UV rays increases the risk of skin cancer.
Sun protection is not just a recommendation, but a habit that can help preserve the youth and health of your skin. Apply sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30 before going outside. Carry a mini bottle of cream in your bag to easily repeat the protection during the day - at any time of the year!

The habit of drinking water

Water is the source of life. After all, our body consists of 60-70% water, and every cell depends on it for normal work. Therefore, the habit of drinking water is not just a good idea, it is an integral part of taking care of one's own health and vitality. Try to drink a glass of water in the morning, before meals, after meals and before bed. Set reminders so they don't forget. In addition to the main meals, do not forget about water during the day. Carry a bottle of water with you so that you can drink at any time. Encourage yourself after each glass of water to make the process more enjoyable.

So what are these beauty habits? These are the keys to inner harmony and outer beauty. They will help you feel confident and beautiful every day, and you will not have to resort to expensive procedures or products. Start implementing these rituals in your life, and you will see how your beauty will begin to shine from within, giving you confidence and a good mood.
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